At Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ, Patrick One, a first year Religion class, worked tirelessly to prepare for this year’s Le Chéile Pay It Forward Day. Posters were created by the class with suggestions for random acts of kindness and placed all around the school. The Le Chéile logo for the day was also replicated by the class and these drawings were positioned on every corridor and in every classroom. The students addressed each individual class to explain the initiative and also spoke to the teachers in the staff room and on the intercom. Sr. Geraldine and Sr. Teresa encouraged the whole school to participate each day of the week during morning prayer. On Friday, Patrick One organised playlists of fun music at lunch time for Junior and Senior Cycle students in two separate centres. The day was a great success and it was heart-warming to see many lovely, random acts of kindness. Patrick One were delighted by the enthusiastic participation and hope to repeat it next year, with more activities to be enjoyed by all. Ms Thompson was very proud of her form class and grateful to all staff members and students who helped to make the day such fun.