The Young St. Vincent de Paul programme is a youth development programme. We as Young SVP representatives strive to engage in social action in a positive and meaningful way. Our aims are to create an impact on our local community whilst also gaining a deeper insight into the importance of volunteering. We would also like to emphasise the value of encouraging young people to participate in voluntary causes such as SVP and by carrying out various activities in our local community we hope to inspire other individuals to follow in our footsteps.
We were exceptionally proud to present a €500 check to SVP before Christmas. The funds raised were a combination of the school’s Christmas jumper day, a bake sale that was held on that same day and a generous donation from several TY students who ran their own mini companies.
Each of our members have put in a tremendous effort over the past few weeks in preparation for a three week workshop we are in the process of creating for 1st and 2nd class students in one of the local primary schools in Mountrath. We plan to divide the children into three groups and assign approximately four of our members to each group. Our Young SVP group designed this workshop to not only provide a learning experience through creative outlets for primary school goers but also to celebrate the talents of each of our representatives of the group. The workshop will focus on forms of creativity such as arts and crafts, group reading and music.
A short presentation will be delivered to first year students in the coming weeks in order to raise awareness of social injustices in the world as well as the work that is carried out by SVP. We plan to have a quiz towards the end with small prizes so that the presentation is more engaging.
The preparation for our upcoming projects have stirred great excitement amongst our members for quite some time now and we look forward to seeing and enjoying the fruits of our labour!