Dear members of the Le Chéile family,
As mid-term February is just about to commence, Spring is in the air, days are lengthening, mock exams finish and everyone looks forward to the week ahead, may I say “Thank You and Well Done”. Maith sibh ar fad!
As everyone – be you student, parent, caretaker, SNA, teacher, student leader, anam cara, admin, cleaner, chaplain, LWR, Middle leader, student teacher, supervisor, sub, school senior leader and member of the Board of Management – please take a minute to say well done to each other. You know the continued work and effort that you have made to ensure the vibrancy, vitality, wellbeing of our school communities during the pandemic especially. Everyone has worked together as a team – Ní neart go cur le chéile!
I am in awe of the amazing work that I continually see in our 75 Le Chéile schools, primary, Special schools, Community Schools and Catholic schools that is achieved by everyone doing their bit and working together with the shared vision of providing the best opportunities for our students. The wonderful St. Brigid’s Day celebration of Student Action giving witness to our shared values was a credit to everyone. We have planning in place for Le Chéile Day leading into the Easter holidays and hope to see our schools celebrate and share their story – details to follow!
As school finish for mid-term and we await clarification on our Covid measures in schools upon our return, I just want to say a huge Well Done!
School communities are amazing places as you too know well and your work is greatly valued. I know Covid has been difficult and challenging for everyone in different ways and that so many are looking forward to further easing of restrictions yet I also acknowledge that for some there will be anxiety around this too. I encourage our Le Chéile schools to celebrate the much longed for smiles within our schools that are visible! Relationships are at the heart of education and even through pandemic the quality of our relationships is at the heart of our school communities.
We in the Le Chéile Team greatly appreciate your support and look forward to getting back out meeting members of the Le Chéile community in person, we hope some of your schools might bring Student or Staff groups to our new Le Chéile Education Centre for planning days – it is a facility for all.
I wish you all well-deserved rest over the week ahead, lig do scíth!