Holy Child Community Reflection for the New Year

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! We hope you and your loved ones enjoyed a healthy Christmas season.

We invite you to begin 2022 by reflecting on God’s grace and love in our world. The meditation below is offered by Gertrude Denkabe, SHCJ, Ghana, African Province. A text version can be found below the video.

Be assured of our prayers and blessings today and always.

Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus

Text by Gertrude Denkabe, SHCJ

The Gift of Newness and the Grace to Begin Anew

The New Year is a time of thanksgiving to God, a time of taking stock of our lives, and a time of spiritual renewal and commitment.

This New Year, let each one of us take a few moments to “sit in silence before our Lord and be more ready to listen than to talk.” – Cornelia Connelly

In 1 Peter 1: 15, we are invited to live a life of sanctity and watchfulness, the demand for new life.

“…but, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct.”

God’s plan for us is wholeness and holiness. Let us be grateful to God for the gift of newness in our lives.

Let us ask for God’s grace to begin anew and walk humbly with the Holy Child Jesus.

Let us be encouraged by Mother Cornelia to “take care not to lose the interior spirit by the pressures of activity.”

What specific plans or steps do I have in place for my spiritual renewal and sustenance as we journey into the unknown of a new beginning?

175th Anniversary