Board of Management Training 2017

Message From the JMB

Dear Principal/Chairperson

Board of Management Training 2017 will take place countrywide on 11th, 18th and 25th November.

The in-service programme will provide board members with a clear insight into the roles and responsibilities of trustees as well as those of a board. In addition the programme will concentrate on the responsibility of members of boards of management and the role and functions of the board with particular reference to the Articles of Management and legislation. It is important that all board members are encouraged to undertake regular in-service.

The Department of Education and Skills has agreed to make some funding available to cover the cost of BOM training.

The training programme is open to all members of boards of management in all voluntary secondary schools.

To avoid paying unnecessary catering costs please register only participants who will attend training. Thank you.

Please find attached an information sheet on venues and locations.

On-line registration can be accessed on or Click here to register.

Board of Management Training 2017