To commemorate the 60th anniversary of St. John’s College, President Michael D. Higgins was invited to visit St. John’s College Ballyfermot on 4th May, 2017.
A great gathering of the College community: pupils and teachers from both the Primary and Secondary Schools assembled in the Hall, together with representatives of the Le Cheile Trust, the members of the Board of Management , Parents, past pupils, retired teachers of the College and a number of special guests, including members of the De La Salle Brothers.
In preparation for his visit, the students worked incredibly hard on display projects with the theme ‘ St. John’s College through the decades’. Tutor classes were each assigned a decade and students created work to showcase their decades. During his visit, President Higgins visited the exhibitions and spoke to student representatives. He also met our Gaelbhratch Coiste Gaelige, our student council and our Under 16 and Under 18 G.A.A teams.
President Higgins was introduced by Ferdia O’ Kelly, Chairperson of the Board of Management. Music was provided by the wonderful choir from De La Salle National school. President Higgins was presented with a mosaic picture frame, made by our J.C.S.P students in their Art class to commemorate his time at St. John’s College. It was a wonderful occasion for the school community, and enjoyed by all who attended. President Higgins spoke about his concern about bullying and a link to his very passionate speech is provided here.
Click here for speech at St. John’s College 60th Anniversary celebrations by Áras an Uachtaráin
The celebrations took the form of a great gathering of the College community: all pupils and teachers from both the Primary and Secondary Schools assembled in the Hall, together with representatives of the Le Cheile Trust, the members of the Board of Management , Parents, past pupils, retired teachers of the College and a number of special guests, including members of the De La Salle Brothers.
In preparation for his visit, the students worked incredibly hard on projects to be displayed. The overarching theme chosen for these projects was ‘ St. John’s College through the decades’. Tutor classes were each assigned a decade and students created work to showcase their decades. During his visit, President Higgins visited the exhibitions and spoke to student representatives. He also met our Gaelbhratch Coiste Gaelige, our student council and our Under 16 and Under 18 G.A.A teams.
President Higgins was introduced by Ferdia O’ Kelly, Chairperson of the Board of Management. Music was provided by the wonderful choir from De La Salle National school. President Higgins was presented with a mosaic picture frame, made by our J.C.S.P students in their Art class to commemorate his time at St. John’s College. It was a wonderful occasion for the school community, and enjoyed by all who attended.