St. Louis Kiltimagh Pay it Forward Day

Our Pay It Forward Ideas March 27th

9:10 Thought for the Day – read by one of the senior students over the intercom

Morning classes –Smiley Face Balloons and Memes are put up around the school.

Students are asked to take on a Random acts of kindness suggestion from the R.A.K. boxes

11:25 Student Traditional Irish Music Group – playing in the circulation area during the break

Random students and staff receive chocolate bars or Easter eggs – to wish them a “Happy Easter”!

1pm Random students received cups of tea/coffee/soft drinks compliments of St. Louis

Afternoon classes – Chaplaincy team write compliments on post its for every student and staff member in the school.

Last class: One class of students with the two RAK leaders attach the compliments to everyone’s lockers and office doors etc. Announcement is made for everyone to be sure to visit their locker before going home for the Easter break.


Thought for the day

She smiled at a sorrowful stranger…

The smile seemed to make him feel better…

He remembered past kindnesses of a friend

And wrote him a thank you letter…


The friend was so pleased with the thank you

That he left a large tip after lunch…

The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip,

Bet the whole thing on a hunch…


The next day she picked up her winnings,

And gave part to a man on the street…

The man on the street was grateful;

For two days he’d had nothing to eat…


After he finished his dinner,

He left for his small dingy room…

He didn’t know at that moment

That he might be facing his doom…


On the way he picked up a shivering puppy

And took him home to get warm…

The puppy was very grateful

To be in out of the storm…


That night the house caught on fire…

The puppy barked the alarm…

He barked till he woke the whole household

And saved everybody from harm…


One of the boys that he rescued

Grew up to be President…

All this because of a simple smile

That hadn’t cost a cent..



You’re a lovely person. 

You’re awesome. 

You’re incredible. 

You’re fantastic. 

You’re very cool. 

From what I see, hands down, you’re amazing. 

Such a person to look up to. 

Your heart is huge. 

You look incredible. 

Thank you for being who you are. 

You are so thoughtful. 

You are such a patient person. 

happiness looks best on u

always laugh it makes someone happy 

there r at least 5 ppl in the world who love u 



…can do anything you set your mind to. 

…are capable of accomplishing whatever you believe. 

…make me smile. 


Your Help Counts!


You’re A Great Example For Others!


You Made The Difference!


You’re Inspiring!

You’ve Got What It Takes!

You’re A Shining Star!


You’re A Pleasure To Know!

You’re A Good Friend!


When in doubt, smile.

You are more important than you realize.

Relax. You are enough. You have enough. You do enough.

You are amazing… and don’t you forget that!

You are anything but ordinary.

You make me smile. Even when I’m trying not to.

You are somebody’s reason to smile.

You brighten my day without even knowing it.

Some people do more than light up a room… they light up the hearts of all who are in it