Patrician Presentation Fethard

20150413 081947

Pay It Forward Day in Patrician Presentation Fethard

In preparation for ‘Pay it Forward’ Day, students across all classes watched three You Tube video clips – two from the ‘Pay It Forward’ film and also the clip – ‘Watch this You will definitely share this’. Discussion followed on the concept, and students were asked to consider 4 random acts of kindness they could do over the following week. They were also encouraged to talk about the idea at home with family and friends and thus extend the idea out into the wider community. In this way they were living and promoting the Gospel message of ‘Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself’

Students then made ARKs – A.R.K. standing for Acts of Random Kindness. On the cabin of the arks they filled in their four random acts of kindness. The opening and closing slides of the clip ‘Watch this You will definitely share this’ stated – ‘Kindness keeps the world afloat’ so the arks really linked with this.

They then decorated and finished the arks and with them we created a ‘Pay It Forward’ wall display. It didn’t seem to matter whether students were first years or sixth years, they all engaged in, learned from and seemed to really enjoy the activity.  The whole school are really appreciative of all the nice compliments from people in the community who were helped by the students on the day and since.  

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